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[Japan] Kate Kate Metallic Jewelry Metallic Jewelry Liquid Eyeshadow Gold Silver Copper Brown Ruby Pink DB

[Japan] Kate Kate Metallic Jewelry Metallic Jewelry Liquid Eyeshadow Gold Silver Copper Brown Ruby Pink DB

Regular price $2,000.00 SGD
Regular price $2,000.00 SGD Sale price $2,000.00 SGD
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Product Description:

Kate Kate Metallic Jewelry Liquid Eyeshadow Gold Silver Copper Brown Ruby Pink

Liquid Eyeshadow with a glamorous, jewel-like sheen
■Large amounts of pearls of different textures for an intricate sheen.
■Aqueous liquid formula that adheres instantly.
■Brows, cheeks, ears, and all other areas are given a three-dimensional glow!
There are 4 colors in total
EX-1 description:

EX-2 description:

EX-3 description:

Copper Brown
EX-4 description:

Red Ruby Pink

This is the first time that I've used this product in my life, and it's been a long time since I've had a chance to use it.
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