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Akai Bohshi Cookies Series

Akai Bohshi Cookies Series

Regular price $71.57 SGD
Regular price $71.57 SGD Sale price $71.57 SGD
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The Akai Bohshi ("Red Hat" in English) is a collection of sweets each carefully packaged with sincerity. The cookies are cooked slowly and efficiently to bring out the best flavor. The rich buttery aroma that spreads in your mouth and the smoothness of the cookies are born from the slow cooking process. Nuts and chocolate are used in abundance to create a rich variety.

■Elegant Box Contents (12 pieces)

・Strawberry Cookie (×3)

・Chocolate Crunch (×3)

・Vanilla Almond (×2)

・White Chocolate Ball (Apple Flavor) (×4) (Note: the amount of white chocolate balls may be slightly more or less than amount displayed depending on the total weight)

■Blue Box Contents (20 pieces)

・Red Hat (×2)

・Langue de Chat Roll (×2)

・Vanilla Almond (×2)

・Strawberry Cookie (×2)

・Chocolate Crunch (×3)

・Nuts Berry Heart (×2)

・Caramel Chocolate Sandwich (×2)

・White Chocolate Ball (Apple Flavor) (×5) (Note: the amount of white chocolate balls may be slightly more or less than amount displayed depending on the total weight)

■Purple Box Contents (27 pieces)

・Red Hat (×2)

・Strawberry Cookie (×2)

・Nuts Berry Heart (×2)

・Chocolate Crunch (×2)

・White Chocolate Almond (×5)

・Langue de Chat Roll (×2)

・Vanilla Almond (×2)

■Pink Box Contents (31 pieces)

・Red Hat (×2)

・Caramel Chocolate Sandwich (×2)

・Chocolate Cookie (×2)

・Strawberry Cookie (×2)

・Nuts Berry Heart (×3)

・White Chocolate Almond (×2)

・Florentins Cookie (×3)

・Chocolate Crunch (×3)

・White Chocolate Ball (Apple Flavor) (×5)

・Langue de Chat Roll (×4)

・Vanilla Almond (×3)

■ Red Box Contents (45 pieces)

・Red Hat (×3)

・Langue de Chat Roll (×6)

・Vanilla Almond (×3)

・Strawberry Cookie (×3)

・Chocolate Cookie (×3)

・Chocolate Crunch (×4)

・Brownie (×2)

・Nuts Berry Heart (×4)

・Caramel Chocolate Sandwich (×2)

・Florentine Biscuit (×4)

・White Chocolate Almond (×3)

・White Chocolate Ball (Apple Flavor) (×8) (Note: the amount of white chocolate balls may be slightly more or less than amount displayed depending on the total weight)

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