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Pokka Sapporo Jikkuri Kotokoto with Baked Bread Thick Tomato Cream Potage Cup

Pokka Sapporo Jikkuri Kotokoto with Baked Bread Thick Tomato Cream Potage Cup

Regular price $6.40 SGD
Regular price $8.90 SGD Sale price $6.40 SGD
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Pokka Sapporo Jikkuri Kotokoto with Baked Bread Thick Tomato Cream Potage Cup This rich tomato cream potage is a creamy, sweet and tasty soup that is richly infused with ripe tomatoes and topped with baked bread. The rich potage soaks into the bread, and the combination of the potage and the bread makes for a relaxing and delicious meal. It can be stored at room temperature, so it is recommended as emergency food or rolling stock.
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