A wipe off cleansing water that thoroughly removes dirt while at the same time keeping the skin moist. Its unique ingredient, Fluidactive, prevents oxidation of sebum and does not burden sensitive skin that is sensitive to pores and acne. Can also be used as a wipe off lotion to prevent sebum problems. Colorless (the blue color of the liquid is the natural color of useful ingredients), and free of alcohol, oil, and preservatives.
■How to use
・Avoid getting the hands or face wet.
・Apply a generous amount to a cotton pad, blend well with makeup, and gently wipe off without rubbing.
・When there is no more color on the cotton, you can proceed to the next step of your skincare regimen without rinsing.
・To use as a wipe off lotion, moisten a cotton pad and gently wipe off the entire face or areas where sebum is bothering you without scrubbing the skin.
・Rinse off as desired.
・Avoid using around the eyes.