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KOWA Q&P Alpha Charge 100ml (Apple Flavor / Kiwi Flavor)

KOWA Q&P Alpha Charge 100ml (Apple Flavor / Kiwi Flavor)

Regular price $12.80 SGD
Regular price $17.90 SGD Sale price $12.80 SGD
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KOWA Q&P Alpha Charge 100ml (Apple Flavor / Kiwi Flavor) 3 Nourishing tonic, 3 B vitamins, 2 amino acids. W approach to recovery from fatigue and nutritional supplementation! Indications and effects Recovery and prevention of fatigue Maintenance and improvement of physical strength, physical resistance, and concentration Improvement and prevention of physical problems associated with a weak constitution (including physical weakness due to aging) Improvement and prevention of physical disorders associated with weak constitution (including physical weakness due to aging) Improvement/prevention of physical problems associated with poor nutrition in daily life: tiredness, lingering tiredness, lack of physical strength, heaviness, lassitude, shoulder, neck, back, or knee problems, cold easily, poor circulation, skin problems (rough skin, dry skin), loss of appetite and lethargy due to hangovers. Nutritional supplementation during and after illness, wasting disease with fever, anorexia, pregnancy and lactation, and before and after childbirth.
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