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Sanbon Coffee Ginsen (Bean) 1 Bag / 180g

Sanbon Coffee Ginsen (Bean) 1 Bag / 180g

Regular price $18.90 SGD
Regular price $26.40 SGD Sale price $18.90 SGD
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Sanbon Coffee Ginsen (Bean) 1 Bag / 180g

An organic coffee from a farm that has received both Organic JAS and Rainforest Alliance certification.
Blended to have a smooth taste with just the right amount of acidity and bitterness.
The beans are roasted thoroughly from the core using Sanbon Coffee's proprietary roasting technology called “cokes roasting” to create a mellow aroma with a mild aftertaste and a smooth taste with just the right amount of acidity and bitterness.
Using the “after-mixing method,” the beans used in the blend are roasted individually for each type of bean and then blended together.
The beans are roasted at the optimum roasting temperature so that the original flavor and aroma of each bean can be enjoyed.

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